Estimate your liquidity provision earnings
Below is a list of pools with any volume in the last 24 hours.
Input the total value of your liquidity provision and see which pools were the most profitable!
Input the total value of your liquidity provision and see which pools were the most profitable!
APR calculation compares generated fees over time to current value of liquidity.
If a large amount of liquidity from an active pool was recently withdrawn, the APR can become unrealistically high.
The calculation does not take into account price fluctuations caused by buying liquidity.
If a large amount of liquidity from an active pool was recently withdrawn, the APR can become unrealistically high.
The calculation does not take into account price fluctuations caused by buying liquidity.
Volume 7D 1D | ||
Algo TRUMP | 454.0% APR | |
286.0% APR | ||
TRUMPIUS | 158.0% APR | |
144.1% APR | ||
Fuck | 142.9% APR | |
118.5% APR | ||
87.0% APR | ||
82.6% APR | ||
81.0% APR | ||
73.3% APR |